速報APP / 遊戲 / Baron Biker : Get The Ace Bike Rider To

Baron Biker : Get The Ace Bike Rider To


檔案大小:49 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Baron Biker : Get The Ace Bike Rider To The Highway Race(圖1)-速報App


'Baron Biker Is The King Of Motorcyles! This Game Is Too Awesome!'

'I Love The Graphics Of This Game! More Fun In Playing This!'

'Playing This Game Takes Me Out From My Boring Routine! Love It!

'The Courses Of This Out Of This World! Challenging To The Max!


Baron Biker : Get The Ace Bike Rider To The Highway Race(圖2)-速報App

Baron Biker is going to challenge your speed in racing and your wit in overcoming the obstacles!

Never think for a second that this racing game is just like the rest, Baron Biker gives you the ultimate test through its racing course! The unpredictable bike course is sure to make you scream with excitement!

Download now and create a healthy racing competition thru this game's online sharing interface!



- Race your way to the floating highway!

Baron Biker : Get The Ace Bike Rider To The Highway Race(圖3)-速報App

- FREE version supported by ads

- Super awesome graphics and motion

- Addicting and proven me concept

- Unlimited attempts to break your record

- Great sound effects and music

- Turn on/off music and sound effects

Baron Biker : Get The Ace Bike Rider To The Highway Race(圖4)-速報App

- Upgrade to ad-free version optional

- Available on iPhone and iPad

Baron Biker : Get The Ace Bike Rider To The Highway Race(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad